As discussed earlier, these questions are site observation questions and answers to this are to be found from your work place.

Radiography related.

1. Who is the manufacturer of the radiography camera that you are using in your site?

2. How many instruments will there be with a radiography technician at the time of performing radiography?

3. Who is the manufacturer of the radiographic film that you are using in your site?

4. What are the instruments used in the dark room?

5. How many baths are used for developing a radiography film?

6. Have you seen the approval from AERB for using the radiographic camera in your site?

7. Have you seen the pitroom for the storage of radiography camera?

8. What is the length of the guide tube?

9. How many radiographers (certified by AERB) in your site?

10. Who is the RSO in your site?
