We have seen that there are 9 chapters in this code. As in every code, here also there is relative importance to each chapter as in our work profile/applicability point of view. 

Chapter 1, scope and definitions is important to all, for using this code. 

The understanding of any code is to be start with the scope of the code. The scope will give a clear idea of what are the areas, the code can be used and what are the areas it cannot be.

Chapter 2, 3 & 4, The design part is important in a designer point of view. However there are certain points that a site engineer need to understand from this chapter.

Chapter 5 & 6 is the main areas where a site engineer is to be familiar with.

Balance chapters are important when those areas of piping comes in to picture. But as that is not a normal case we will not discuss that in details.

Concluding, Chapter 1, some portions of chapter 2, Chapter 5 & 6 which are of relative importance to a site engineer are explained in this blog series.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 is about scope and definitions. 

Clause 300.(b) defines the responsibilities of 

1. Owner : The owner of a piping installation shall have overall responsibility for compliance with this Code, and for establishing the requirements for design, construction, examination, inspection, and testing which will govern the entire fluid handling or process installation of which the piping is a part. The owner is also responsible for designating piping in certain fluid services and for determining if a specific Quality System is to be employed.

2. Designer: The designer is responsible to the owner for assurance that the engineering design of piping complies with the requirements of this Code and with any additional requirements established by the owner

3.Manufacturer, fabricator& Erector: The manufacturer, fabricator, and erector of piping are responsible for providing materials, components, and workmanship in compliance with the requirements of this code and of the engineering design.

4. Owner's inspector is responsible to the owner for ensuring that the requirements of this Code for inspection, examination, and testing are met. If a Quality System is specified by the owner to be employed, the owner’s Inspector is responsible for verifying that it is implemented.

The series will continue...

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