Storage and Handling of Electrodes [Part 6]

Wrong storage practices in mother/holding/storage ovens.

1. Maximum of 4 layers of electrode should only be placed in each rack. (This is not a mandatory rule, but practically , then only proper heating will be obtained.)

2. Electrodes shall not be kept in bundle. Proper baking of the electrodes will not be obtained if kept in bundle.

3. Electrodes shall not be placed other than the area for it. Placing the electrodes over the heating coil area will obstruct the heating of the electrodes on the racks above it. It will also cause the over heating of the electrodes placed over the heating coil area.

4. Care shall be taken to avoid falling of electrodes from one rack to the bottom of it. Particularly when the racks contain different electrodes.

5. Separating a rack for storage of different electrodes by temporary means is not a healthy practice. This may cause mixing of electrodes.

Photography support provided by: Mr.Anoop R Pillai
