Storage and Handling of Electrodes [Part 9]


For GTAW welding,  filler wires are used. Colour coding of filler wires are done for easily identifying them.

How colour coding is done:

Both the ends of the filler wire are dipped in paint and will be kept at sunlight for drying. Approximate one inch length of both sides to be dipped in paint. Each AWS code of filler wire will have different colour. This will make identification easier.

Colour shall be applied at both ends: The GTAW welders will cut the filler wires in the middle for easily handling them while welding. So for identifying both the cut pieces colour coding is done on both ends.

Same filler wire but with some special properties can be easily identified by this method only. Example: ER 70 S2 for normal CS welding and NACE qualified material welding are different. For NACE qualified material the ER 70 S2 will be of NACE qualified. So differentiate between these two can be done only with the colour coding.

Cut pieces of filler wires returned to the store, after welding with out colour coding or identification marks shall be stored in consultation with welding engineer only. The safest way is to discard those pieces or else PMI methods shall be used to identify them. After identifying the filler wire colour coding to be done.

Colour coding chart are to be made available to all welders, welding engineers, site supervisor s and electorde issuer.

A sample colour coding chart is given below

Refer the above chart, if you see the filler wire with yellow colour on on one end, you can easily identify from the chart that it is ER70 S2.
